Garb of Venerated Spirits

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  • Garb of Venerated Spirits
  •  [Robes of Venerated Spirits]
     [Drape of Venerated Spirits]
     [Gloves of Venerated Spirits]
     [Headdress of Venerated Spirits]
     [Leggings of Venerated Spirits]
     [Pauldrons of Venerated Spirits]
  • (2) Set (Elemental): Lava Burst increases the damage of your next Earth Shock or Earthquake [Icefury: or Frost Shock] by 20%.
    (2) Set (Enhancement): Casting Stormstrike has a 30% chance to increase the damage of your next Rockbiter by 100%.
    (2) Set (Restoration): When you cast Healing Rain, up to 6 allies within its area are immediately healed for (56.25% of Spell power).
    (4) Set (Elemental): Earth Shock and Frost Shock have a 15% chance to cause an Elemental Overload.
    (4) Set (Enhancement): Rockbiter causes the target to take 15% increased Fire, Frost, and Nature damage from your attacks for 4.5 sec.
    (4) Set (Restoration): Healing Wave and Healing Surge casts have a 100% chance to heal a player standing in your Healing Rain for 40% of the amount.

Garb of Venerated Spirits is the tier 21 shaman set.


The Garb of Venerated Spirits items and tokens drop from raid bosses in Antorus, the Burning Throne.

Slot Source
Head Aggramar
Shoulder Coven of Shivarra
Back Antoran High Command
Chest Essence of Eonar
Hands Kin'garoth
Legs Imonar the Soulhunter


Garb of Venerated Spirits
Garb of Venerated Spirits
Garb of Venerated Spirits
Garb of Venerated Spirits

Patch changes

Other versions

  • Raid Finder

    • Garb of Venerated Spirits
    •  [Robes of Venerated Spirits]
       [Drape of Venerated Spirits]
       [Gloves of Venerated Spirits]
       [Headdress of Venerated Spirits]
       [Leggings of Venerated Spirits]
       [Pauldrons of Venerated Spirits]
    • (2) Set (Elemental): Lava Burst increases the damage of your next Earth Shock or Earthquake [Icefury: or Frost Shock] by 20%.
      (2) Set (Enhancement): Casting Stormstrike has a 30% chance to increase the damage of your next Rockbiter by 100%.
      (2) Set (Restoration): When you cast Healing Rain, up to 6 allies within its area are immediately healed for (56.25% of Spell power).
      (4) Set (Elemental): Earth Shock and Frost Shock have a 15% chance to cause an Elemental Overload.
      (4) Set (Enhancement): Rockbiter causes the target to take 15% increased Fire, Frost, and Nature damage from your attacks for 4.5 sec.
      (4) Set (Restoration): Healing Wave and Healing Surge casts have a 100% chance to heal a player standing in your Healing Rain for 40% of the amount.
  • Heroic

    • Garb of Venerated Spirits
    •  [Robes of Venerated Spirits]
       [Drape of Venerated Spirits]
       [Gloves of Venerated Spirits]
       [Headdress of Venerated Spirits]
       [Leggings of Venerated Spirits]
       [Pauldrons of Venerated Spirits]
    • (2) Set (Elemental): Lava Burst increases the damage of your next Earth Shock or Earthquake [Icefury: or Frost Shock] by 20%.
      (2) Set (Enhancement): Casting Stormstrike has a 30% chance to increase the damage of your next Rockbiter by 100%.
      (2) Set (Restoration): When you cast Healing Rain, up to 6 allies within its area are immediately healed for (56.25% of Spell power).
      (4) Set (Elemental): Earth Shock and Frost Shock have a 15% chance to cause an Elemental Overload.
      (4) Set (Enhancement): Rockbiter causes the target to take 15% increased Fire, Frost, and Nature damage from your attacks for 4.5 sec.
      (4) Set (Restoration): Healing Wave and Healing Surge casts have a 100% chance to heal a player standing in your Healing Rain for 40% of the amount.
  • Mythic

    • Garb of Venerated Spirits
    •  [Robes of Venerated Spirits]
       [Drape of Venerated Spirits]
       [Gloves of Venerated Spirits]
       [Headdress of Venerated Spirits]
       [Leggings of Venerated Spirits]
       [Pauldrons of Venerated Spirits]
    • (2) Set (Elemental): Lava Burst increases the damage of your next Earth Shock or Earthquake [Icefury: or Frost Shock] by 20%.
      (2) Set (Enhancement): Casting Stormstrike has a 30% chance to increase the damage of your next Rockbiter by 100%.
      (2) Set (Restoration): When you cast Healing Rain, up to 6 allies within its area are immediately healed for (56.25% of Spell power).
      (4) Set (Elemental): Earth Shock and Frost Shock have a 15% chance to cause an Elemental Overload.
      (4) Set (Enhancement): Rockbiter causes the target to take 15% increased Fire, Frost, and Nature damage from your attacks for 4.5 sec.
      (4) Set (Restoration): Healing Wave and Healing Surge casts have a 100% chance to heal a player standing in your Healing Rain for 40% of the amount.

External links