Furthering Knowledge (warlock)

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For other versions, see Furthering Knowledge.
NeutralFurthering Knowledge
Start Mile Raitheborne
End Mile Raitheborne
Level 110 (Requires 110)
Type Legendary
Category Artifact
Class Warlock Warlock
Rewards  [Artifact Research Notes]
Previous N Warlock [110] Knowledge is Power


Deliver [Order Resources] to complete a crash course in artifact knowledge.

  • Collect: Bring 500 order resources (500)


The amount of power in these artifacts is incredible and we have only scratched the surface. Our researchers have been busy preparing notes for you and with a few more resources I am sure they can prepare something to boost your artifact knowledge. This is only the first step, with more resources we should be able to help you catch up even more.


You will receive:
Inv scroll 11.png [Artifact Research Notes]


With even more order resources, I can scribe further notes about your artifact weapon's history and potential.

This knowledge will be crucial for infusing your weapon with irresistible power.

Bring me those resources as soon as you can. Our victory awaits!


The order resources you have provided are crucial to further empowering your weapon.

Here, take these notes. Read the dark secrets within and apply the knowledge you have learned.

All enemies will fall before us!



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