Knowledge is Power (warlock)

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NeutralKnowledge is Power
Start Mile Raitheborne
End Mile Raitheborne
Level 110 (Requires 110)
Type Legendary
Category Artifact
Class Warlock Warlock
Rewards  [Artifact Research Notes]
Previous N Warlock [110] Hitting the Books
Next N Warlock [110] Furthering Knowledge


Provide Order Resources to unlock artifact knowledge.

  • Collect: Bring 500 order resources (500)


You are truly the scourge of the Broken Isles, wresting power from our enemies and infusing it into your ancient artifact. But we must not become complacent! Let us unlock further depths of your weapon's potential. There is a time for slow, steady progress. But today, we will redouble our efforts. By devoting our order's resources to studying the weapon's history, I believe we can rapidly enhance the value of the power you apply to the artifact. And power is intoxicating. Shall we begin, <class>t?


You will receive:
Inv scroll 11.png [Artifact Research Notes]


Applying the resources gathered by our order will allow us to make quick progress toward empowering your artifact and dominating our foes.


Knowledge of your artifact is the key to bending the demons to your will.

If you supply me with order resources, I can provide research notes on your weapon. Read them, Netherlord, and the power you infuse into your artifact will magnify.

Your foes will quake in fear... as it should be!



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