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Furious Raptari Druid

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HordeFurious Raptari Druid
Image of Furious Raptari Druid
Gender Both
Race Zandalari troll (Humanoid)
Level 120
Class Druid
Resource Mana
Reaction Horde
Affiliation(s) Zandalari Empire, Raptari
Location Terrace of the Chosen, Dazar'alor

Furious Raptari Druids are Zandalari trolls located in the Terrace of the Chosen in Dazar'alor.


  • Ability ghoulfrenzy.png Flanking Shred — Shreds a target's back, inflicting Physical damage every 3 sec for 12 sec.
  • Ability druid supriseattack.png Pounce — Pounces behind a player.
  • Talentspec druid feral cat.png Sabertusk Form — Shapeshift into a sabertusk form.

Objective of


  • De Zandalari are not slaves to de loa of death!
  • I do not know what came over me.
  • I let my fears get de better of me... Talanji, please forgive me.
  • I need to trust in Talanji. She did not choose this fate.
  • I only kneel to my loa!
  • I see now... Fighting you solves nothing. De Widow was wrong.
  • I was rushing to de Other Side, only I did not know it.
  • I will not serve Bwonsamdi!
  • I will serve no queen who bargains with de dead!
  • My loa will not be de next to fall!
  • No more dead loa!
  • No... this is not de way to fix this... Forgive me.
  • Our faith suffers in Bwonsamdi's shadow! I will be silent no longer!
  • Talanji is marked with death! It is a curse!
  • What was I thinking? You could have killed me!
  • Why are we fighting? You are not my enemy!

Patch changes

External links