From the Depths They Come

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From the Depths They Come.

From the Depths They Come[57.82, 51.83] is located below the Fangs in Hallowfall, at the water's edge below the abandoned shack.


From the Depths They Come

<Many of the pages in this notebook are damp, and the ink has run beyond legibility. You flip to the pages you can read.>

They say it was the Day of Darkness, but that's because they didn't live by the water. It wasn't the day of darkness, it was afterwards, on the second shift.

I remember because I was outside with my partner looking at Beledar, thinking we were safe.

Then they came, from the ocean, from a place that, up until then, had been ours. The place I made my trade, the place that provided me food.

They came, and they slaughtered.

Kobyss they are called. I call them Death.

For years we had lived in relative safety, skirmishes with the nerubians happened, but not like it is now. Not this state of total war.

But after the kobyss first arrived, they kept coming. Always with the shifting of Beledar. Every time the void came, the kobyss came with it.

It wasn't that many, at the start. Deadly, fast, but not that many.

Not like it is now.

They have been hitting us for so long, that I can't really put a time on when the rate of attack increased. Maybe it was slowly over time, as the pull of the void drew them to Beledar.

All I know is that I can't stay here, not anymore. To stay here is to die.

After Beledar shifts back to the light, I plan to leave this place, and never return.

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