From This Day Forward

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AllianceFrom This Day Forward
Start Alexander Treadward
End Lord Arthur Waycrest
Level 20-60
Category Drustvar
Experience 8,230
Reputation +75 Order of Embers
Rewards 11g 70s
Previous A [20-60] Running Late
Next A [20-60] Blood in the Chapel


Take a seat and observe the wedding ceremony in Whitegrove Chapel.

  • Observe the ceremony


Lord Waycrest is on his way? Excellent!

You have my thanks, <sir/madam>. Please, take a seat.


You will receive:


What is going on here!?


Click on the Church Pew.

Wedding Guest says: Here he comes!
Wedding Guest says: But where is Lady Waycrest?
Lord Arthur Waycrest walks towards Lucille and Alexander.
Lord Arthur Waycrest says: Please forgive my tardiness.
Lucille Waycrest says: It's fine, father. Where is mother?
Lord Arthur Waycrest says: She will be down shortly. She asked that I begin in her stead.
Lord Arthur Waycrest says: Shall we?
Lucille Waycrest says: By all means. Please proceed, father.
Lord Arthur Waycrest says: Very well.
Lord Arthur Waycrest says: Friends, family, and honored guests. We gather on this fine autumn day to celebrate the joining of Lucille and Alexander.
Lord Arthur Waycrest says: As the lord governing Drustvar--and as Lucille's proud father--it is my honor to wed these two in the presence of the land, the sky, and the sea.
Lord Arthur Waycrest says: Alexander, have you prepared the--wait, what was that!?
Roland the Knife says: Nothing personal, kid.
Roland stabs and kills Alexander.
Lucille Waycrest says: Alexander, no!
Lord Arthur Waycrest yells: An ambush! Lucy, get behind me! Guards, to arms!
Red Hand Assassins appear and fight against Waycrest Guards.


  1. A [20-60] To Have Loved and Lost
  2. A [20-60] Painful Memories
  3. A [20-60] Running Late
  4. A [20-60] From This Day Forward
  5. A [20-60] Blood in the Chapel
  6. A [20-60] The Lady's Fate
  7. A [20-60] One Last Request

Patch changes

External links