Friendly Competition

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AllianceFriendly Competition
Start Fanara
End Fanara
Level 10-40
Category Garrison Support
Experience 13,690
Reputation +250 Council of Exarchs
Rewards 11g 40s
Previous A [10-40] A Call for Huntsman
Next A [10-40] Fair Trade


Gather 4 Shadowmoon Hides and 3 Silverwing Talons and return to Fanara before the other competitors.


So you wish to join the competition, <name>? Best of luck to you.

Be the first to gather a sack full of hides and talons from local wildlife and return them to me before the other competitors!

Winner earns the opportunity for an apprenticeship under craftsman Garaal.

Good luck!


You will receive: 11g 40s


The satchel is full and ready for delivery.


Congratulations, <name>! You did it!

The other competitors are nowhere to be found!

Garaal will be most pleased. With such an abundance of supplies to work with he and the other craftsmen will have no trouble staying busy.

I'll start tanning these immediately. They'll be ready for delivery in just a moment.


Kill wolves for hides and kaliri for talons.


  1. A [10-40] A Call for Huntsman
  2. A [10-40] Friendly Competition
  3. A [10-40] Fair Trade

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