Freezing Arrow

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For the Wrath of the Lich King Classic ability, see [Freezing Arrow].
Freezing Arrow
Spell hunter exoticmunitions frozen.png
  • Freezing Arrow
  • Rank 43 Marksmanship hunter honor talent
  • 40 yd range
  • 30 sec cooldown
  • 2 sec cast
  • Requires Ranged Weapon
  • Fires a Frozen Arrow, incapacitating the target and all nearby enemies within 6 yards of the target for 8 sec. Any damage caused will break the ice.
Class Hunter
School Frost
Cooldown 30 seconds
Rank available 43
Related debuff
  • Magic
  • Freezing Arrow
  • Incapacitated.
  • Duration: 8 seconds

Freezing Arrow was a Marksmanship hunter honor talent, available at rank 43.


This ability is essentially a ranged version of [Freezing Trap] for Marksmanship, with some key differences: the disorient effect also applies to nearby enemies, it doesn't have an arming delay, and can be used from a distance.

Tips and tactics

When in Arena, the Freezing Arrow is extremely useful, since casters who have to stand in one place will always fall prey to its icy grip. Even for classes who are mobile, you can still attempt to predict their path of travel and intercept them with a freezing arrow. This method is especially useful for paladins, who will likely blow both their [Divine Shield] and [Honorable Medallion] to escape its grip.

Patch changes

External links