Four Winds Trader

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NeutralFour Winds Trader
Image of Four Winds Trader
Gender Both
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 30-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Merchant
Location Path of a Hundred Steps, Veiled Stair
Status Alive

Four Winds Traders are two pandaren sitting by a campfire in the Path of a Hundred Steps in the Veiled Stair.


Female's gossip

Keep going, you're almost there!

This is my third trip through the pass. I wish I could say it was getting easier!

When you get to the top, there's a wonderful inn called the "Tavern in the Mist." Keep your weapons close, though. You'll run across all kinds of characters.

Male's gossip

Almost there!

There's a cold mug of relief waiting for me at the Tavern in the Mist. I can almost taste it already...

Patch changes

External links