Forum:Quel'Thalas and their monolithic runestones

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Forums: Village pump → Quel'Thalas and their monolithic runestones
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Hmm, I've been wondering; if "they erected monolithic runestones to mark their new kingdom’s borders"[1] (see: Runestone), why allowed the Kingdom of Lordaeron to build cities inside their borders, e.g. Andorhal and Stratholme, just to mention the largest ones. Sure, land might not matter as much as magic to elves, but still?

--TherasTaneel (talk) 19:13, October 21, 2009 (UTC)

I was wondering the same, even Caer Darrow was a human city built within a Runestone. Or probably they let just the humans as they helped the high elves during the Troll Wars. Benitoperezgaldos (talk) 19:31, October 21, 2009 (UTC)
But "After Uther left Caer Darrow, the Horde destroyed the forces that guarded the relic and gained control of the Runestone for use by the Horde." (see: Second War) even though it was a human city, I had thought it was elven forces guarding the Runestone. But you are right, the Caer Darrow article says, "The island has also been the site of one or more human fortifications dating back to the days of the empire of Arathor.". But still, they didn't owe the kingdom of Lordaeron anything.
Who killed the ghosts at Caer Darrow by the way? Horde? or are they younger, and killed by Cult of the Damned after making Scholomance?—The preceding unsigned comment was added by TherasTaneel (talk · contr).
The 'at their boarders' thing only applies to the runestone of Warcraft II retroactively, it was for the ones in Warcraft III. It is not a retcon for sure, but it does not fit well. The Cult of the Damned killed them.--SWM2448 20:02, October 21, 2009 (UTC)
"Can't you see we're trying to prepare for Uther's visit?" - ghost, when did Uther have time to come visit, were there not a war going on? TherasTaneel (talk) 21:30, October 21, 2009 (UTC)
We actually don't know when they died, but it's likely they were victims of the Scourge rather than the Old Horde, and there was not, in fact, a war going on at the time. The plague pretty much caught everyone with their pants down. -- Dark T Zeratul (talk) 21:33, October 21, 2009 (UTC)
Ok, not a full war, a skirmish (after which along the road the war started) then; I thought Uther was, with Arthas, defending Strahnbrad from raiding orcs of the Blackrock Clan. The plague was first discovered after? TherasTaneel (talk) 21:39, October 21, 2009 (UTC)
The plague was not discovered until after the Blackrock raiding party had been defeated at Strahnbrad, while Arthas and Jaina were heading through the foothills of Alterac towards Andorhal. However, even though it hadn't been discovered, it HAD been spreading for quite some time; by the time Arthas figured it out, Kel'Thuzad had already infected the shipments of grain being sent from Andorhal to pretty much everywhere else. -- Dark T Zeratul (talk) 21:46, October 21, 2009 (UTC)
Sure sure, but back to the ghosts statement, are they reliving the first time he visited or some other? If its another time than the first, when did he visit? TherasTaneel (talk) 21:49, October 21, 2009 (UTC)
For what I can see, this may be ghosts from people who were killed by the Horde in the Second War as this is the only time Uther visited the town because of the people who were suffering the misfortunes of war. The ones that died in the Third War were raised as undeads with body, so they couldn't have ghosts. Benitoperezgaldos (talk) 21:53, October 21, 2009 (UTC)

It is stated that "Following Thrall's reformation of the Horde, many Altars were retooled by troll masons into structures capable of channeling shamanistic energies with the intent of reviving fallen heroes." but where is this from? TherasTaneel (talk) 00:35, October 22, 2009 (UTC)

The Warcraft III manual, page 28: "Once used to channel the demonic energies of the Burning Legion, these altars have been retooled by troll masons. Using the rediscovered elemental abilities of the shamans, these altars serve as a kind of "gate" to revive fallen warriors. When a hero dies, his spirit can be recalled at these altars to continue service for the horde."--SWM2448 00:49, October 22, 2009 (UTC)
A.k.a., reasoning for how heroes can magically be revived in WC3 gameplay :) Kirkburn  talk  contr 16:28, October 23, 2009 (UTC)

Found something about their borders on the Northern Lordaeron page; "Terenas's grandfather helped negotiate the borders betweeen them and the elves of Quel'Thalas.[2]" Sadly I don't have those books so I can't see what else it says. TherasTaneel (talk) 01:30, October 31, 2009 (UTC)

  1. ^ Arthaus. Lands of Conflict, 112. ISBN 9781588469601. 
  2. ^ Knaak, Richard A.. Day of the Dragon, 82. ISBN 978-0-6710-4152-6.