Forum:Orcs - green, red

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Forums: Village pump → Orcs - green, red
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After reading Rise of the Horde I realized something...Orcs drank Mannoroth´s blood - this turned their skin green. So when orcs drink next wave of pit lord´s blood they turn red... right? Such as Mannoroth poisoned a well in Ashenvale and warsong clan, already green, drank it and turn red (chaos orc). On Outland, Magtheridon used his blood to feed orcs there and they turned red (fel orc) I am not asking about the differences between chaos and fel orcs, but the question is: if multiply drinking demonic blood changes orcs skin or I am totally wrong? :D --Mordecay (talk) 10:14, 20 August 2012 (UTC)

Their skin didn't turn green from drinking Mannoroth's blood, it turned green from the exposure to all the fel energy their warlocks were using; the frostwolves, for instance, all turned green and none of them drank his blood. Same with Orgrim Doomhammer. As for Outland, the orcs aren't being fed Magtheridon's blood, it's being infused directly into their bloodstream for maximum potency. -- Dark T Zeratul (talk) 10:28, 20 August 2012 (UTC)
Yep, I know that their skis was slowly turning green coz of warlocks' magic but in the book, when Grom drank it, it is that Grom face turned healthy, young and except of jaw, green. So assuming this, it seems to me, that orcs drinking the blood turned green immediately and whole. --Mordecay (talk) 10:43, 20 August 2012 (UTC)