Forum:Gamepedia Pro

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Curious about the new Pro tags showing up in RecentChanges and on user pages? Notice less ads? Our host, Gamepedia, is rolling out a new Pro feature that gets you HTTPS connections to the wiki, no ads, and better page loads in mobile. Regular editors will get Pro for free as our way of saying thanks. Keep editing and you'll stay Pro. The Pro landing page has more information.

Thank you for your edits to keep making Wowpedia the best WoW-related wiki on the net! --k_d3 20:31, 11 May 2016 (UTC)

It's always nice to see when Gamerpedia awards the community for being active. So far my only real problem with this has been that I can no longer, at a quick glance see what pages I've checked before or even just recently. It seems to have been reset. Going down over the recent changes or even just categories where I went over all articles in, all links are now marked as unchecked (in light blue text instead of the slightly darker blue after the link has been clicked). Is there anyway to change this, or is that just an unfortunate byproduct of the changes in the system? While I look forward to see in what way the "pro" elements will affect our way of using the wiki, I'll admit I find the big orange pro square to be a little invasive in this otherwise fairly neutral colour scheme. But then again, it's probably just something you'll get used to after a while. PeterWind (talk) 00:59, 12 May 2016 (UTC)
We haven't changed the skin. You should still see a difference between unclicked and clicked links. Try doing a hard-refresh (shift-or-ctrl+f5) and see if that fixes it? --k_d3 01:37, 12 May 2016 (UTC)
I think the "Pro" tag is as prominent as it is on Wowpedia due to having more editors that are also very active, which is why under Recent Changes you'll see essentially a wall of the "Pro" tag.
Additionally: I checked the feedback early this afternoon on Gamepedia's page and they've said that currently there is no way for an editor to disable the display of the tag next to their name. They're looking into it, and hopefully they'll be able push an update soon. I generally don't mind it, but my wish is that it was disabled entirely on the Recent Changes special page because it's disruptive IMO. -- Alayea (talk / contrib) 01:54, 12 May 2016 (UTC)
Ah yeah I guess I could have worded that better. I still see clicked links like usual, the problem was that it reset for me today after the Pro thing activated. Meaning that all the tracked or marked articles from the last 6 months or so are shown as if I had never clicked them. Quite inconvenient, but yeah there's probably nothing to do about that besides just getting back in there again. Yeah that's exactly what I was refering to. Sure I think it's fine most areas, but the bright orange has an unfortunate effect in the recent changes page. PeterWind (talk) 03:20, 12 May 2016 (UTC)
Oh! Well it's back to normal now. What a relief :) PeterWind (talk) 05:46, 12 May 2016 (UTC)
I also find the Pro tag a bit invasive in general, and overly stated considering it's purchasable and doesn't necessarily reflect contributions, experience or position on the wiki in any way... but to me does give that impression just a bit, especially since most Pro editors probably are fairly frequently editors. While hidden by default for Pro editors, I find the massive advert block now found on the right hand side of every page a far bigger concern. Replacing the single top-right corner advert, this bar is a lot closer to the Wikia wall of adverts, and is impossible to escape or remove except through buying a month's Pro. -- Taohinton (talk) 00:25, 11 June 2016 (UTC)