First Apprentice Malkrex

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MobFirst Apprentice Malkrex
Image of First Apprentice Malkrex
Gender Male
Race Undead (Humanoid)
Level 10-55
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) House of Constructs
Location Flesh Stitchery, Maldraxxus[29.2, 22.6]
Status Killable
Mentor(s) Surgeon Stitchflesh

First Apprentice Malkrex is a disciple of Surgeon Stitchflesh[1][2] found working on the Soulfused Construct with Sharrex the Fleshcrafter in the Flesh Stitchery in Maldraxxus.


  • Spell deathvortex.png Cone of Death — When Argus reaches 100 Titanic Essence,[sic] he cleaves the fabric of reality, creating a cone of Death Fog in front of him.


Main article: Breaking Down Barriers#Notes
Main article: Two of Them, Two of Us#Notes

Objective of

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

Patch changes


  1. ^ N [10-55] Give Them a Hand: Secutor Mevix says: This reeks of Stitchflesh's handiwork. Create a distraction while I hunt down his disciples!
  2. ^ N [10-55] Breaking Down Barriers

External links