Finding the Shadowy Figure

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AllianceFinding the Shadowy Figure
Start Tavernkeep Smitts
End Jitters
Level 25 (Requires 20)
Category Duskwood
Experience 1,000
Reputation +50 Stormwind
Previous A [25] Inquire at the Inn
Next A [25] Return to Sven

This is part of the Morbent Fel quest chain.


Find the Shadowy Figure. Your clues:

He is not native to Darkshire.

He is a nervous, jittery person.

He left Darkshire and headed west.


Good luck, <name>. I hope you find the chap, and I hope you find him alive.

If he's left the safety of Darkshire then he could be prey to the beasts of the wilds.


You will receive:


Who are you??  Leave me be!


<Jitters sighs...>

Yes, I'm the author of that book.  You finally found me, eh?

Well if you read that journal...then you only know the half of it!



  1. A [23] Deliveries to Sven (optional)
  2. A [25] Sven's Revenge
  3. A [25] Sven's Camp
  4. A [25] The Shadowy Figure
  5. A [25] The Shadowy Search Continues
  6. A [25] Inquire at the Inn
  7. A [25] Finding the Shadowy Figure
  8. A [25] Return to Sven
  9. A [28] Proving Your Worth
  10. A [29] Seeking Wisdom
  11. A [29] The Doomed Fleet
  12. A [29] Lightforge Iron
  13. A [29] The Lost Ingots
  14. A [29] Blessed Arm
  15. A [29] Armed and Ready
  16. A [32G] Morbent Fel

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