Fer the Alliance

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AllianceFer the Alliance
Start Moira Thaurissan
End Ambassador Moorgard
Level 10
Category Dark Iron Dwarf
Race IconSmall DarkIron Male.gifIconSmall DarkIron Female.gif Dark Iron dwarf
Experience 400
Rewards 1s 25c
Next A IconSmall DarkIron Male.gifIconSmall DarkIron Female.gif [10] Stranger in a Strange Land


Meet Ambassador Moorgard at the Stormwind Embassy.


The mountain will always be home, but there's a whole world o' adventure up there on the surface. Ye look like just the sort o' <class> to find it.

Fer a long time, the Dark Irons stood apart from the other kingdoms. The time has come tae show 'em that we fight fer Azeroth, too.

There's an ambassador in Stormwind waitin' tae speak tae ye. He can help guide ye along on yer journey.

The Alliance needs our strength, <name>. Get out there and show 'em the might o' the mountain!


You will receive:

  • 1s 25c
  • 400 XP
Inv letter 20.png [Letter from King Anduin Wrynn] Inv tabard darkirondwarf.png [Tabard of the Dark Iron]


Ah, there you are, <name>! We've been inspecting--err--expecting you!


On accept
Moira Thaurissan says: Many of our people have advised against journeyin' tae the surface. But the brave know better.
Moira Thaurissan says: Now is the time for the Dark Iron tae emerge from the shadows.
Moira Thaurissan says: Azeroth awaits ye, with Stormwind the first spark o' the anvil.
Moira Thaurissan says: We were forged in the flames o' the mountain, <name>. Show the world yer fire.
Anduin Wrynn says: Welcome, friend <name>. I am King Anduin Wrynn. As a new member of the Alliance, I wished to greet you personally.
Anduin Wrynn says: These are troubled times for Azeroth. In the days to come, you will face many trials... fight many foes. Know that you are never alone against the darkness, for the Alliance stands with you.
Anduin Wrynn says: I look forward to hearing of your progress. Something tells me we will speak again soon.
Anduin Wrynn says: Safe travels, <name>. May the Light be with you always.


  1. A IconSmall DarkIron Male.gifIconSmall DarkIron Female.gif [10] Fer the Alliance
  2. A IconSmall DarkIron Male.gifIconSmall DarkIron Female.gif [10] Stranger in a Strange Land

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