Fencing the Rose

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NeutralFencing the Rose
Start Catelyn the Blade
End Catelyn the Blade
Level 10-70
Type Daily
Category Engineering
Reputation +75 Booty Bay
Rewards  [Bag of Gold]

Fencing the Rose is a daily quest that turns the normally unsellable vendor trash  [Eternium Rose] (rarely found inside the  [Blingtron 4000 Gift Package]) into 200g.

Players must be at least neutral with Booty Bay, as the quest NPC is affiliated with that faction.



You will receive:


Looking to sell something?


Ah yes, an eternium rose.  I heard vendors suddenly stopped buying them... something about the resell value being too low.

You're in luck though, because I know a collector who still wants them.  In fact, I can take this one off your hands, but you'll have to come back tomorrow if you have another one to sell.

Patch changes

External links