Feltouched Conjurer

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MobFeltouched Conjurer
Image of Feltouched Conjurer
Race Satyr (Demon)
Level 50-80
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance
Occupation Conjurer
Location Jaedenar, Felwood
Status Killable

Feltouched Conjurers are satyrs located in Jaedenar in Felwood. Using  [Incanter's Tome] on their corpses frees Spectral Sentinels.


  • Ability bossfellord felfissure.png Chaotic Breach — Condenses Fel magic from the surrounding area beneath the target, inflicting 12 Chaos Damage every 1 sec.
  • Spell fire burnout.png Searing Bolt — Inflicts 9 Fire damage to the target.

Objective of

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