Farmer Doran

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HordeFarmer Doran
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Gender Male
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 90
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Tillers
Occupation Farmer
Location Golden Terrace, Vale of Eternal Blossoms

Farmer Doran was a pandaren located on the lower level of the Golden Terrace at the Shrine of Two Moons in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.[1] He was replaced by Farmhand Dooka.



Have you ever been to the Valley of the Four Winds?

We heard about the crisis here in the Vale, and our Tillers are hard at work growing foor for these refugees.

If you are in the mood for some time out in the country, visit us at Halfhill!

Gossip What kind of stuff can I do with the Tillers?

Oh, where should I begin!?
First, the life of a farmer involves sowing seeds and harvesting crops. The crops that you sell can be used in cooking, sold on the auction house, traded to other buyers, or traded for meat and fish. I've even heard of rare seeds that can be planted for unique items... and perhaps even a rare pet!
Then there's all of Halfhill to meet! The folks who live around those parts are real interesting, and if you make friends with them, they might give you some nice gifts.
There's always plenty to do around the fields. We've especially been having some trouble with virmen and hozen lately, so there's bound to be plenty to do every day.

Gossip Why should I help the Tillers?

Well, the Tillers won't be crowning you in jewels or building you up for war.
Nah, the life of a farmer is about somethin' a little different.
If you stick with it, you might meet some real interesting folks. You'll be able to build up your own farm, plant your own crops, and enjoy the fruits of your own labor. You can also earn Craftsmen Tokens.
So if all that sounds interesting, then you should go to Halfhill and see for yourself!

Patch changes
