Faithless Warbringer

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MobFaithless Warbringer
Image of Faithless Warbringer
Race Sethrak (Humanoid)
Level 30-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Faithless
Location Sanctuary of the Devoted (one) and Temple Incursion, Vol'dun
Status Killable
A captive Warbringer in the Sanctuary of the Devoted.

Faithless Warbringers are Faithless sethrak located in the Temple Incursion in Vol'dun. Some of them are normally mounted on krolusks but dismount when attacked.

One Warbringer is found locked inside a cage next to Zareen in the Sanctuary of the Devoted.


  • Ability warrior cleave.png Cleave — The caster swings their weapon in a mighty arc, inflicting Physical damage to all enemies within 8 yards.
  • Creatureportrait cyclone nodebris.png Cyclone Strike — The caster strikes so swiftly that a cyclone rushes forward, inflicting Physical damage to all enemies caught in its path.
  • Spell nature corrosivebreath.png Venomous Spit — The caster spits venom at the target, poisoning them for Nature damage every 3 sec for 9 sec.


  • For the Emperor!
  • For the glory of the sethrak empire!
  • Let your death be a lesson to the others!
  • Like sand, you will be scattered and forgotten!
  • Our empire's dawn is your extinction!
  • The sands will swallow you!
  • We have dominion over all!
  • We will eradicate you like insects!
  • You cannot stop the sands from spreading!
  • You will shatter like glass!
  • Your lands are next to fall!
  • I failed you... Korthek...
  • My death... will be... avenged...
  • My life... for the empire...
  • The sands... will spread...
  • This cannot be...
  • This is not... the end...
  • We will not... be stopped...
  • You have not... won...

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