Expeditionary Priest

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AllianceExpeditionary Priest
Image of Expeditionary Priest
Gender Both
Race Dwarf (Humanoid)
Level 15-30 Elite
Class Priest
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Ironforge, Church of the Holy Light
Location Draco'dar, Burning Steppes[10, 58]

Expeditionary Priests are dwarves found in Draco'dar, in the south-western corner of the Burning Steppes. They can be seen when riding a gryphon, for example, from Stormwind City to Ironforge, right after crossing the Elwynn Forest/Burning Steppes border. It is unknown what are they for, as they are not involved in any quests and offer no services. They are seen with Expeditionary Mountaineers and sometimes fighting Rogue Black Drakes and will also assist you with fighting them (if you are Alliance).

It was confirmed by Horde players that they have no loot, as well as the dragons they are fighting.


  • Spell holy holysmite.png Holy Smite — Smites an enemy, inflicting Holy damage.

External links

es:Sacerdote expedicionario