Evol Fingers

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HordeEvol Fingers
Image of Evol Fingers
Title <Warlock Trainer>
Gender Male
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Class Warlock
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Bilgewater Cartel
Former affiliation(s) Kajaro Trading Company
Location Various
Status Alive

Evol Fingers is a goblin warlock trainer first seen at the KTC Headquarters on Kezan. He can later be found at multiple locations in the Lost Isles and finally at Bilgewater Harbor[56.6, 49.2] in Azshara as a trainer for the Horde. He is locked in a rivalry with Fizz Lighter, the mage trainer, and the two are seen constantly throwing shadowbolts and fireballs at each other in most of their appearances. Evol is accompanied by an Imp Minion.


Notable appearances
Location Level range Health range
Kezan (starting zone) 6 72
Lost Isles 10 113
Azshara 25 630




To warlocks
<Name>, I'm glad that you're here. Maybe I can teach you a thing or two.
What do you think, <sir/ma'am>?
To non-warlocks
What? <Name>, you're not a warlock.
There's nothing that I can teach a <class> like you, <sir/ma'am>.

Lost Isles

To non-warlocks
I can't offer you any training, <name> but I sure could use your help against these damns monkeys!
A Town-In-A-Box. Nice!


To warlocks
You gotta love fel energy: Cheap, renewable, and guaranteed to blow things up.
Sure, you risk losin' your eternal will to Unimaginable Horrors from Beyond Time and Space, but hey, risk versus reward!
Now, what did you wanna see me about, hmmm?
To non-warlocks
Look. You don't even WANNA know the sorta stuff I could teach ya.
Seriously. It'd melt yer brain. Go play nice somewhere else.

Patch changes

External links