Ethel Rethor (Horde)

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HordeEthel Rethor
Start Cerelia
End Cenarion Researcher Korrah
Level 10-30
Category Desolace
Experience 250
Next N [10-30] The Emerging Threat
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [10-30] Ethel Rethor.


Cerelia at Furien's Post wants you to speak to Korrah at Ethel Rethor.


We have plenty of enemies in this region without raising the ire of the Cenarion Circle.

When we established our post here, we were asked to keep a watch over one of their researchers.

Korrah was last seen at the tower to the west. Do be a dear and pay her a visit. It's been some time since we've bothered to check on her.


It is good that you have come.

There is grave danger looming here.


  1. B [10-30] Ethel Rethor (optional)
  2. N [10-30] The Emerging Threat
  3. N [10-30] Slitherblade Slaughter
  4. N [10-30] Going Deep
  5. N [10-30] Wetter Than Wet
  6. N [10-30] Deep Impact
  7. N [10-30] Mystery Solved
  8. N [10-30] The Enemy of Our Enemy
  9. N [10-30] A Revenant's Vengeance
  10. N [10-30] Return and Report
  11. N [10-30] Official Assessment

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