The Emerging Threat

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NeutralThe Emerging Threat
Start Cenarion Researcher Korrah
End Cenarion Researcher Korrah
Level 10-30
Category Desolace
Experience 2,000
Previous Ethel Rethor
Next N [10-30] Slitherblade Slaughter


Korrah wants you to speak to her when you are ready to be shown the naga threat.

  • Naga Forces Scouted


I am all that remains of my company, sent to monitor the many changes on this coast of Desolace.

I have reported of the dramatic increase of naga here, but to no effect.

My peers are focused on other crises, so I must ask you, a stranger, to assist me in my research.

First, though, allow me to show you the threat we face.


Now you see, <race>. This is not a matter to be taken lightly.


So now you see. These are not a simple band of displaced naga, but a well organized army, capable of great devastation.

Do you agree to assist me in my investigation?



Korrah's voice whispers: The number of naga here continue to rise steadily....
Korrah's voice whispers: The catalysm split the land apart here, allowing the naga to stretch inland...
Korrah's voice whispers: A priestess of Azshara! Could she be leading their efforts?
Korrah's voice whispers: The water itself rises to fight against them here, but why? Many questions and few answers...


  1. B [10-30] Ethel Rethor (optional)
  2. N [10-30] The Emerging Threat
  3. N [10-30] Slitherblade Slaughter
  4. N [10-30] Going Deep
  5. N [10-30] Wetter Than Wet
  6. N [10-30] Deep Impact
  7. N [10-30] Mystery Solved
  8. N [10-30] The Enemy of Our Enemy
  9. N [10-30] A Revenant's Vengeance
  10. N [10-30] Return and Report
  11. N [10-30] Official Assessment

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