Essential Artificials

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AllianceEssential Artificials
Start Klockmort Spannerspan
End Klockmort Spannerspan
Level 30 (Requires 24)
Type Dungeon
Category Gnomeregan
Experience 3650
Reputation +500 Gnomeregan Exiles
Rewards 55s
Previous A [30D] Klockmort's Essentials


Bring 12 Essential Artificials to Klockmort Spannerspan in Ironforge.


A nigh-universal mechanical component—the essential artificial—was of great use to the tinkers and smiths of Gnomeregan. But during the frantic exodus from our city, no one remembered to take any of these devices with them! And I need a large supply of them for work I will soon undertake.

Please, go into Gnomeregan and get me some essential artificials. You'll find them in the deeper areas of our city, held in containers called artificial extrapolators.

Thank you, <name>, and please hurry!


You will receive:


Do you have the essential artificials?


You got them! Now I can begin my new experiments!

I can't thank you enough, <name>! Your bravery has advanced gnomish research by a leap and a bound!


  • A [30D] Klockmort's Essentials leads up to this quest, but is not a direct prerequisite.
  • The extrapolators look like 6' tall steam-powered closets. Each one yields up a single Artificial Extrapolator. A full run of Gnomeregan should allow the full party to get the extrapolators they need to complete this quest.

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