Essence of Hati (Storm Peaks)

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MobEssence of Hati
Image of Essence of Hati
Gender Male
Race Wolf (Beast)
Level 50
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Temple of Storms, Storm Peaks
Status Active

The Essence of Hati is one part of the scattered essence of Thorim's pet wolf, Hati. In its madness, it had trapped Thorim in his throne. It was ultimately defeated by the Huntmaster of the Unseen Path and absorbed into the  [Thunderspark].


  • Ability hunter longevity.png Broken Bond — Hati does not recognize you, pouncing at an exposed weak point, killing you instantly.
  • Ability thunderking overcharge.png Electric Wave — Creates a line of lightning that inflicts Nature damage every 1 sec to players standing within the area.
  • Ability fixated state red.png Essence of Rage — Fixates on an enemy.
  • Spell nature shamanrage.png Essence of Rage — The caster lets an inherent rage overtake them, increasing damage done by 750% for 10 sec.
  • Ability thunderking balllightning.png Titan's Spark — Discharges of lightning at all enemies, inflicting Nature damage.

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