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WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria
The subject of this article or section is part of WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria, a world event lasting for a limited time.
Image of Erus
Title <Scrapper>
Gender Male
Race Infinite drakonid (Dragonkin)
Level 10 - 70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Infinite dragonflight
Location Timeless Shore, Timeless Isle; Infinite Bazaars
Status Alive

Erus is an infinite drakonid located in the Timeless Shore on the Timeless Isle and at Infinite Bazaars across Pandaria. He sells replacement starter-level weapons should they accidentally get scrapped.


Erus <Scrapper>
Item Cost Type
 [Timerunner's Greatsword] 20 Bronze 2H sword
 [Timerunner's Bow] 20 Bronze Bow
 [Timerunner's Dagger] 20 Bronze Dagger
 [Timerunner's Shield] 20 Bronze Shield
 [Timerunner's Mace] 20 Bronze 1H mace
 [Timerunner's Sword] 20 Bronze 1H sword
 [Timerunner's Staff] 20 Bronze Staff



Everything has its time.

Buy I wish to see your weapons.

Patch changes

External links