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Epic heroic-only items

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The last boss of each heroic mode Dungeon drops an epic item. Bosses will always drop one epic item from their available loot table.

The Burning Crusade

Hellfire Citadel

Hellfire Ramparts
Inv sword 38.png [Feltooth Eviscerator] Inv belt 27.png [Lion's Heart Girdle]
Inv belt 22.png [Tree-Mender's Belt] Inv gauntlets 11.png [Wrath-Infused Gauntlets]
Blood Furnace
Inv boots plate 01.png [Eaglecrest Warboots] Inv shoulder 25.png [Mantle of Shadowy Embrace]
Inv misc questionmark.png [Talisman of the Breaker] Inv boots chain 06.png [Wave-Crest Striders]
Shattered Halls
Inv bracer 13.png [Bands of Rarefied Magic] Inv boots chain 05.png [Boots of the Righteous Path]
Inv bracer 02.png [Forestheart Bracers] Inv weapon hand 10.png [The Bladefist]

Coilfang Reservoir

The Slave Pens
Inv jewelry necklace 06.png [Adamantine Chain of the Unbroken] Inv boots cloth 11.png [Boots of Blasphemy]
Inv pants leather 09.png [Midnight Legguards] Inv shoulder 33.png [Pauldrons of Wild Magic]
The Underbog
Inv boots chain 05.png [Barkchip Boots] Inv jewelry ring 45.png [Eye of the Stalker]
Inv pants leather 03.png [Stormsong Kilt] Inv wand 1h stratholme d 01.png [The Black Stalk]
The Steamvault
Inv bracer 02.png [Amber Bands of the Aggressor] Inv pants cloth 20.png [Pontifex Kilt]
Inv bracer 02.png [Wave-Fury Vambraces] Inv weapon crossbow 16.png [Wrathtide Longbow]


Inv bracer 12.png [Bands of Negation] Inv jewelry ring 57.png [Cobalt Band of Tyrigosa]
Inv pants mail 08.png [Forestwalker Kilt] Inv shield 01.png [The Fel Barrier]
Mana-Tombs: Yor only
Inv jewelry ring 52naxxramas.png [Band of the Crystalline Void] Inv jewelry ring 53naxxramas.png [Nexus-Prince's Ring of Balance]
Inv jewelry ring 49naxxramas.png [Ring of Conflict Survival] Inv jewelry ring 51naxxramas.png [Shaffar's Band of Brutality]
Inv jewelry ring 48naxxramas.png [Yor's Collapsing Band] Inv jewelry ring 50naxxramas.png [Yor's Revenge]
Auchenai Crypts
Inv misc cape 06.png [Light-Touched Stole of Altruism] Inv belt 03.png [Sash of Arcane Visions]
Inv belt 22.png [Wave-Song Girdle]
Sethekk Halls
Inv bracer 13.png [Bands of the Benevolent] Inv bracer 02.png [Bracers of the Hunt]
Inv shoulder 16.png [Spaulders of Dementia] Inv weapon halberd19.png [Terokk's Shadowstaff]
Shadow Labyrinth
Inv belt 30.png [Girdle of Ferocity] Inv pants cloth 16.png [Kirin Tor Master's Trousers]
Inv gauntlets 22.png [Master Thief's Gloves] Inv mace 54.png [Shockwave Truncheon]

Caverns of Time

Old Hillsbrad Foothills
Inv belt 15.png [Cord of Sanctification] Inv pants plate 21.png [Greaves of the Martyr]
Inv bracer 15.png [Nightfall Wristguards] Inv pants mail 16.png [Wyrmscale Greaves]
The Black Morass
Inv pants mail 20.png [Breeches of the Occultist] Inv belt 11.png [Girdle of Valorous Deeds]
Inv belt 26.png [Girdle of the Deathdealer] Inv sword 81.png [Quantum Blade]

Tempest Keep

The Mechanar
Inv boots cloth 03.png [Boots of the Pious] Inv gauntlets 31.png [Handguards of the Steady]
Inv pants plate 21.png [Vanquisher's Legplates] Inv sword 63.png [The Sun Eater]
The Botanica
Inv boots cloth 06.png [Boots of Ethereal Manipulation] Inv boots chain 05.png [Boots of the Endless Hunt]
Inv staff 56.png [Feral Staff of Lashing] Inv gauntlets 28.png [Gauntlets of Dissension]
The Arcatraz
Inv belt 03.png [Belt of Depravity] Inv bracer 02.png [Bracers of Dignity]
Inv boots cloth 05.png [Shadowstep Striders] Inv weapon shortblade 33.png [Vileblade of the Betrayer]

Wrath of the Lich King


Herald Volazj
Inv pants cloth 06.png [Skirt of the Old Kingdom] Inv gauntlets 26.png [Fiery Obelisk Handguards]
Inv bracer 07.png [Bracers of the Herald] Inv wand 07.png [Wand of Ahn'kahet]


Inv belt 10.png [Sash of the Servant] Inv bracer 07.png [Flamebeard's Bracers]
Inv belt 33.png [Ancient Aligned Girdle] Inv wand 06.png [Rod of the Fallen Monarch]

Culling of Stratholme

Inv weapon hand 06.png [Greed] Inv jewelry ring ahnqiraj 06.png [Band of Guile]
Inv pants mail 03.png [Legguards of Nature's Power] Inv shield 58.png [Royal Crest of Lordaeron]
Inv bracer 18.png [Plague-Infected Bracers]
Infinite Corruptor
Ability mount drake bronze.png [Reins of the Bronze Drake]

Drak'Tharon Keep

The Prophet Tharon'ja
Inv gauntlets 55.png [Overlook Handguards] Inv pants leather 13.png [Leggings of the Winged Serpent]
Inv bracer 17.png [Limb Regeneration Bracers] Inv jewelry ring 47.png [Keystone Great-Ring]


Inv belt 11.png [Sash of Blood Removal] Inv jewelry ring 39.png [Hemorrhaging Circle]
Inv gauntlets 31.png [Horn-Tipped Gauntlets] Inv pants leather 25.png [Gored Hide Legguards]

Halls of Lightning

Inv bracer 18.png [Advanced Tooled-Leather Bands] Inv axe 76.png [Colossal Skull-Clad Cleaver]
Inv belt 24.png [Mail Girdle of the Audient Earth] Inv pants cloth 26.png [Woven Bracae Leggings]

Halls of Stone

Sjonnir the Ironshaper
Inv bracer 17.png [Bands of the Stoneforge] Inv pants leather 09.png [Leggings of the Stone Halls]
Inv belt 15.png [Sjonnir's Girdle] Inv weapon shortblade 70.png [The Fleshshaper]

The Nexus

Inv bracer 09.png [Interwoven Scale Bracers] Inv gauntlets 20.png [Gloves of Glistening Runes]
Inv belt 34.png [Flame-Bathed Steel Girdle] Inv mace 77.png [War Mace of Unrequited Love]

The Oculus

Cache of Eregos
Inv staff 83.png [Staff of Draconic Combat] Inv pants plate 20.png [Leggings of Protective Auras]
Inv bracer 07.png [Cuffs of Winged Levitation] Inv gauntlets 50.png [Gauntlets of Dragon Wrath]

Utgarde Keep

Ingvar the Plunderer
Inv jewelry ring 79.png [Annhylde's Ring] Inv weapon crossbow 28.png [Drake-Mounted Crossbow]
Inv belt 24.png [Sharp-Barbed Leather Belt] Inv pants plate 02.png [Staggering Legplates]

Utgarde Pinnacle

Ability mount drake proto.png [Reins of the Blue Proto-Drake]
King Ymiron
Inv gauntlets 18.png [Gilt-Edged Leather Gauntlets] Inv belt 10.png [Girdle of Bane]
Inv belt 19.png [Sovereign's Belt]

Violet Hold

Inv bracer 17.png [Azure Cloth Bindings] Inv pants plate 21.png [Bolstered Legplates]
Inv gauntlets 26.png [Handgrips of the Savage Emissary] Inv staff 84.png [Staff of Trickery]