Enter the Dragon Queen

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NeutralEnter the Dragon Queen
Start Alexstrasza the Life-Binder [21.8, 57.1]
End Lirastrasza [14.9, 16.3]
Level 30-35
Category Twilight Highlands
Experience 34700
Rewards 4g 70s
Previous B [30-35] Pressing Forward
Next N [30-35] Battle of Life and Death


Seek out Lirastrasza at the Circle of Life in Twilight Highlands.


Hello, <race>. I wish we could meet in more favorable circumstances. The world hangs by a thread, and all that the Titans have wrought may be in jeopardy.

It saddens me greatly, but my judgment is final. Deathwing - the horrific creature that was once the Earth Warder and once my friend - must be destroyed.

I have prepared a site atop the Highlands, to the west of the Vermillion Redoubt, where I can bring about his end. Seek out the Circle of Life and speak with Lirastrasza within. I will join you there.


You will receive: 4g 70s (or 8g 27s at max level)


Hello again, <race>. I hear you were instrumental in our push toward Grim Batol - thank you!

Alexstrasza has sanctified this ground in the hopes of luring Deathwing here. She'll perform a ceremony to lure him out... and then destroy him within this sacred circle.

Let's hope her plan works.


To the north-northwest. Easier to circle around Grim Batol than to fly over it.

Lira's new gossip text:

I understand that Alexstrasza has pronounced judgement on Deathwing. Perhaps this whole ordeal will end, right here?

Cutscene time!

Alexstrasza flies in from the west and lands in front of the player. Calen follows shortly behind. They roar and transform into their humanoid forms.
Alexstrasza says: Mortal, I want you to bear witness to this, but for your own safety stay back. Calen, you too.
Calen says: I will not leave your side.
Alexstrasza says: Your life isn't yours to throw away, Calen. Should I fail, the fate of this world may rest on your shoulders.
Calen says: Yes, mother.
The player and Calen walk away as Alexstrasza casts a flower-growing spell in the center of the ring to attract Deathwing, who dutifully appears from the south. The area behind Deathwing explodes and remains on fire.
Deathwing says: Lifebinder! Do you presume that I am at your beck and call? I have a world to unmake.
Alexstrasza says: It pains me, Neltharion - but I must end you, as I have ended Malygos.
Deathwing says: "End" me? Lifebinder, you think life is yours to take away?
Deathwing says: Life is weak, mortal, fleeting ... fragile.
Deathwing says: Death is final. Death is eternal. Death is ... my realm.
Deathwing says: Look upon me and you see death incarnate, the unmaker of worlds.
Alexstrasza says: I see the hollow metal shell of a once great ally, and the precious gift of the Titans wasted.
Deathwing says: Then witness my new gifts, bestowed by this world's true masters.
Deathwing breathes fire on Alexstrasza and flies away. Alexstrasza regains her dragon form and follows behind him.

Speak to Calen to continue.


  1. B [30-35] Warm Welcome
  2. N [30-35] Even Dragons Bleed
  3. N [30-35] Draconic Mending / N [30-35] Life from Death
  4. N [30-35] In Defense of the Redoubt
  5. N [30-35] Encroaching Twilight / N [30-35] Breach in the Defenses / N [30-35] Far from the Nest
  6. A [30-35] Mathias' Command / H [30-35] Patchwork Command
  7. B [30-35] Easy Pickings / B [30-35] Precious Goods
  8. (H [30-35] The Gates of Grim Batol)
  9. B [30-35] If The Key Fits
  10. B [30-35] Pressing Forward
  11. N [30-35] Enter the Dragon Queen
  12. N [30-35] Battle of Life and Death
  13. N [30-35] And the Sky Streaked Red
  14. N [30-35] A Fitting End / N [30-35] Blackout / N [30-35] Shining Through the Dark
  15. N [30-35] Following the Young Home
  16. N [30-35] Last of Her Kind

Patch changes

External links