Enraged Wildkin (3)

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AllianceEnraged Wildkin
Start Damaged Crate
End Jaron's Wagon
Level 59 (Requires 52)
Category Winterspring
Experience 3200
Repeatable No
Previous A [59] Enraged Wildkin
Next A [59] Enraged Wildkin


Find Jaron Stoneshaper's wrecked wagon.


Looking around, you don't see much that Jaron could want here. However, you do notice that the crate you found has been smashed open, almost as if this were what the wildkin were after...

Looking to the east, you can barely make out an abandoned wagon. Perhaps you might find Jaron's things there. It's worth a look.


Approaching the wagon, it doesn't appear that there is much more here for Jaron. But, looking on the ground, you notice some crates that look undamaged, despite being half-buried in the snow.


  1. A [59] Enraged Wildkin
  2. A [59] Enraged Wildkin
  3. A [59] Enraged Wildkin
  4. A [59] Enraged Wildkin

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