Enraged Wildkin (2)

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AllianceEnraged Wildkin
Start Jaron Stoneshaper
End Damaged Crate
Level 59 (Requires 53)
Category Winterspring
Experience 3200
Previous Enraged Wildkin
Next A [59] Enraged Wildkin


Locate Jaron Stoneshaper's wrecked camp and supplies in southern Winterspring.


Hey there, lad! I was chased from my camp in southern Winterspring my some bloodthirsty wildkin! Well, I suppose I got too close to something the wildkin were guarding.

I barely managed to get away safely; I fear a buddy of mine wasn't as lucky. Would you mind braving the wildkin and heading to the camp? I really need my supplies, and I'd also like to get back the amulet I unearthed yesterday at the dig site.


You will receive:


A severely damaged crate stands out among the rest of the destroyed belongings at the camp...


Looking around, you don't see much that Jaron could want here. However, you do notice that the crate you found has been smashed open, almost as if this were what the wildkin were after...

Looking to the east, you can barely make out an abandoned wagon. Perhaps you might find Jaron's things there. It's worth a look.


The camp is along the road to the south. When you see a wagon off to your right (traveling south), then head east until you see an abandoned camp with the Explorers' League pendant hanging next to a tent.


  1. A [59] Enraged Wildkin (optional breadcrumb)
  2. A [59] Enraged Wildkin
  3. A [59] Enraged Wildkin
  4. A [59] Enraged Wildkin

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