Enraged Krolusk

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MobEnraged Krolusk
Image of Enraged Krolusk
Race Krolusk (Beast)
Level 30-60 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Brine Basin, Vol'dun[61.8, 37.4]
Status Killable
Pet family Carapid

The Enraged Krolusk is a krolusk vignette located at the east end of the Brine Basin in Vol'dun, where it is struggling against a pair of Sethrak Krolusk Trappers attempting to restrain it with chains. Upon aggro, the krolusk breaks free of its chains, prompting the sethrak to flee.


  • Ability rogue bloodyeye.png Blinding Sand — The caster exhales a cone of Blinding Sand, inflicting Physical damage to all enemies in a 20 yard cone in front of them. Victims are blinded for 4 sec.
  • Inv trilobitemount black.png Head Butt — Strikes the target for Physical damage. The victim is knocked back.


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