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Elun'Ahir was, according to one ancient myth (the details of which are disputed), the first world tree on Azeroth, planted by the titan Eonar during the war between the titans and the Old Gods. As the tale goes, it originated from a branch of G'Hanir gifted to Eonar by her love, Elune. Eonar planted the branch in a place "where it could be fed by river and sky" in the hope that the influence of Life would help drive away the Black Empire. The branch quickly grew into a tree and its roots extended deep below the surface, with new life emerging everywhere they stretched. Eonar named the tree "Elun'Ahir" in honor of Elune. Aman'Thul was angered by the tree, as it was not an instrument of Order, and tore its trunk from the earth. Eonar wept tears that rained down on the resulting crater, but she soon realized that Elun'Ahir's roots survived beneath the surface. As the titan-forged warred against the Black Empire, Eonar asked her keeper Freya to watch over the crater and the roots, which grew strong from feeding on Eonar's tears. Long after the fall of the Black Empire, mysterious guardians arrived and dedicated their lives to protecting the roots.[1]


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Assuming the legend has truth, and since Elun'Ahir would have led to the flourishing of life in its vicinity, as well as the fact that when it was torn out a huge "crater" remained, Elun'Ahir could have been located in either Un'Goro Crater or Sholazar Basin. If the former, it may correspond to the unnamed world tree seen in the Nightmare reflection of Un'Goro Crater.
