Elrick, Paladin of the Silver Hand

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AllianceElrick, Paladin of the Silver Hand
Start Elrick
End Innkeeper Janene
Level 46 (Requires 44)
Category Paladin
Previous A Paladin [46] The Mysterious Merchant
Next A Paladin [46] The Bloody Missive


Speak with Elrick to learn more.

  • Speak with Elrick and learn more


The Paladin standing before you is not known to you. Speak with him to determine what he knows of the merchant and the current situation.


You will receive:


Thank the light for you, <class>! I was so afraid. I thought those thugs were going to kill us!



Gossip One moment, please. Katherine sent you? Who are you?

I am called Elrick and I am a paladin of The Silver Hand. I came just before you did and by the time I had arrived, the merchant we were to meet had already left town, headed north deeper into the swamp. I was just about to set off after him when you arrived.
Gossip Do we know anything else? Was he alone? Does anyone here know anything about him? Was he pursued by anyone else?
<Elrick shifts his weight impatiently.>
We do not have time for this! The merchant is going to get away if we do not act now. Please, let us go in all haste before it's too late!
Gossip <You notice that one of the patrons standing at the bar is focused intently on something and is wearing a hard expression. There is a full, untouched mug of ale before him.>
What will it be, <name>? Are you coming, or should I give chase without you?
Gossip <Your gaze next falls on the barkeep who has been dutifully cleaning a dish. She has been focused intently on that same dish since you walked in. You notice a bead of sweat dripping down the side of her face, despite a noticeable chill in the air.>
<As you turn back to Elrick, you notice his grip tighten on his mace. His expression hardens.>
Gossip <You clear your throat and speak loudly so everyone in the room can hear you.>

Before what comes next... does anyone want to leave?

Elrick turns hostile and attacks, along with the Stern-faced Bar Patron. Innkeeper Janene runs in fear.


  1. A Paladin [46] Some Good News
  2. A Paladin [46] The Mysterious Merchant
  3. A Paladin [46] Elrick, Paladin of the Silver Hand
  4. A Paladin [46] The Bloody Missive

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