Dwarven Antifreeze

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NeutralDwarven Antifreeze
Start Grungir Ironspout
End Grungir Ironspout
Level 65-68
Category The Azure Span
Experience 9,800
Reputation +250 Dragonscale Expedition
Rewards 26g 91s 48c
Shareable Yes
Previous N [65-68] Grungir the Explorer
Next N [65-68] Kill the Queen


Find 6 Flasks of Dwarven Antifreeze.


I'm in a wee bit of a pickle, <laddie/lassie>. The Primalist frost lickers stuck me in this overgrown ice cube and the only reason I'm nae frozen solid yet is me secret stash o' the good stuff.

Sadly, me less secret stashes got nicked when tae thieving scum jumped me. I'm runnin' low!

Would ye do a dwarf a kindness and fetch me flasks afore me blood turns tae ice?

Oh, and <laddie/lassie>, if ye do haftae pull one out o' some spider's unmentionables, dinnae tell me. I'd rather nae know.


You will receive:


I can feel ma wee piggies freezin'!


Thank Magni! This'll keep me blood from freezin' long enough for the ice tae melt.


Kill Shiverweb Crushers, Primalist Infusers, and Shiverweb Cloakers to loot the flasks. Drop rate is low.


  1. N [65-68] Eight-Legged Menace & N [65-68] Icy Webs
  2. N [65-68] Grungir the Explorer
  3. N [65-68] Dwarven Antifreeze & N [65-68] Primalist Tampering
  4. N [65-68] Kill the Queen


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