Dusty Journal (Vol'dun)

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For other objects and items of the same name, see Dusty Journal.
Dusty Journal
The clifftop camp in which the journal is located, with the skeleton below it

Dusty Journal[31, 67.2] can be found lying in a tent atop a cliff above Carapace Ridge in Vol'dun. A Zandalari skeleton, possibly the journal's author, can be seen lying below the cliff.

Vol'dun ain't as bad as the stories they tell in Zuldazar.

It's hard, but there be pockets of paradise here too.

Looking out into the endless ocean, it's hard not to be hopeful. We can make this work.

Seshu didn't come back from her hunt last night.

I'd search for her, but our food supply's getting low, even for one. I gonna try to reach that oasis again, but the sethrak trappers make it difficult to sneak across the open dunes.

Spirits, protect me. Please, hear my cry. Like you used to.

<Streaks of dried blood make most of this page illegible.>


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

The Seshu mentioned in the journal may be the same person as Seshu the Slave in the Port of Zem'lan.

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