Duroc Ironjaw

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NeutralDuroc Ironjaw
Image of Duroc Ironjaw
Gender Male
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level 10-70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Legerdemain Lounge, Dalaran
Status Alive

Duroc Ironjaw is an orc located at the Legerdemain Lounge in Dalaran. He was adventuring in Val'sharah until he came across Crooked Tree. Sensing something sinister about it, he warns everyone he meets at the inn.



This section includes speculation on characters that might be related, usually because they may share a last name. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

He could be related to (the main-universe) Kruk Ironjaw and Kug Ironjaw.

Patch changes

External links