Drunken Northsea Pirate

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NeutralDrunken Northsea Pirate
Image of Drunken Northsea Pirate
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Northsea Freebooters
Location Scalawag Point, Howling Fjord[37.55, 79.27]
Status Alive

The Drunken Northsea Pirate is a drunk human pirate located at the Scalawag Point in Howling Fjord.


Whatcha looking at, ye bilge rat? Har, har.... just kiddin' with ye, mate!
...that scurvy dog had two peg legs, a hook for a left hand, two glass eyes and a wooden nose!
...So he says "Of course I'm not seeing double! I've only got one eye!""
"Yaaaaaaaaaarrr.... it's driving me insane!" Wait... that's not quite how it goes...
I 'eard Terry fenced one of 'em pictures for a thousand gold. Maybe I can get in some of that artwork dealin' too!
Nothing' finer than enjoying a fine beverage and the company of some fine buckos... hic!
Grab a seat and 'ave a drink, mate! Grab me one while yer at it!
Kiss the gunner's daughter? Why I haven't ever met the lass...

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