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Drogbar Trader

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NeutralDrogbar Trader
No image available
Gender Male
Race Drogbar (Humanoid)
Level 10-45
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Merchant
Location Highmountain[39.7, 63.0]

Drogbar Trader is a vision of a drogbar located in Highmountain. He appears upon interacting with the Ancient Spirit Drum.


Fasho the Wary says: I don't trust them, Borra. They're little more than beasts!
Borra Waterwatcher says: We can learn much from the spirits of beasts, Fasho.
Fasho the Wary says: That's not what I... Listen, they're dangerous. Servants of corruption!
Borra Waterwatcher says: That was the past. We must build a new future.
Fasho the Wary says: Well, I'm not letting my guard down. The drogbar are only good for--
Borra Waterwatcher says: Quiet! One approaches.
Drogbar Trader says: Ronir bring more skins?
Borra Waterwatcher says: Indeed we did.
Drogbar Trader says: Me have stones. Good stones! Much magic!
Fasho the Wary says: Their crystals here have proven useful, I suppose.
Borra Waterwatcher says: Then let us strike a bargain here at the trading totem. Our skins for your stones. Deal?
Drogbar Trader says: Deal!
Fasho the Wary says: I still don't trust them... but I like their stones. I mean crystals!
Borra Waterwatcher says: At least that's a place to start.

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