Dripear the Waxy

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MobDripear the Waxy
Image of Dripear the Waxy
Title <High Wax-o-mancer>
Gender Male
Race Kobold (Humanoid)
Level 73-75
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Location Hall of the Candle King, Darkflame Cleft
Status Killable

Dripear the Waxy is a kobold located in the Hall of the Candle King in Darkflame Cleft. He caries  [The Candle Keys] needed to open the nearby Discarded Loot.


  • Ability mage firestarter.png Brimming Blaze — The caster pours burning magic into the target, inflicting X Fire damage every 1 sec and increasing their damage done by 5% for 10 sec.
  • Spell fire flare.png Entwining Flames — The caster launches twin firebolts at the target, inflicting X Fire damage.
  • Ability rogue bloodyeye.png Wait a Minute... — ...you're not a kobold! This ability lets the user see through Skitter's disguise.
  • Spell warlock summonabyssal.png Waxen Copy — Summons a waxen copy of the target to assist the caster.

Objective of

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