Dreadbringer Valus

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Not to be confused with Crusader Valus.
MobDreadbringer Valus
Image of Dreadbringer Valus
Gender Male
Race Nathrezim (Demon)
Level ?? Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Burning Legion
Location Legion Invasion locations; Invasion Points
Status Killable
Legion Invasions
The subject of this article or section was part of Legion Invasions, a world event that heralded the beginning of the Burning Legion's third invasion of Azeroth prior to Legion.

Dreadbringer Valus is a nathrezim that first appeared at Legion Invasion locations.

He later appeared in the Invasion Points.


  • Spell fire moltenblood.png Burning Steps — The creature is imbued with great heat that causes them to melt the slag beneath them, turning it back into molten lava for a short duration. Standing in the lava will cause players to suffer Fire damage.
  • Spell shadow carrionswarm.png Carrion Swarm — Inflicts 168 Shadow damage to enemies in front of the Dread Lord and reduces healing received by 75% for 5 sec.
  • Inv enchant essenceastralsmall.png Fire Enchanted — This creature is enchanted with Fiery energies that will release violently on death.
  • Spell nature sleep.png Slumber Fog — Created clouds of sleeping gas under up to 3 nearby enemies.
  • Inv misc food 87 sporelingsnack.png Spore Filled — The creature is filled with spores due to exposure. On death, the spores will form a pool of spores on the ground that will inflict Decay damage to any player entering the area.
  • Spell shadow vampiricaura.png Vampiric Cleave — Cleaves targets in front of the Dread Lord, draining Shadow damage, transferring health to him.

Objective of

Patch changes

External links

Legion Invasion Invasion Point

es:Extiendepavor Valus