Drain usually refers to any kind of mechanic or ability that transfers a resource from one unit to another, typically health. It might also refer to the warlock's abilities [Drain Life] or [Drain Soul]. Currently, almost all of these spells are Shadow spells.
Life Drains
Life Drain spells are abilities that simultaneously damage your target and heal you. To be classified as a drain, they must heal as much as they damage the target, and only for as much as they actually caused (or for a certain percent of its damage). This form of healing is affected by healing reducing effects such as [Mortal Strike]. Their damage causes normal threat, whereas their healing does not generate any threat at all.
Some creatures, generally constructs, are immune to life draining effects.
List of Life Drain Spells
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- Direct Damage/Heal
- Channeled
- Damage/Heal over Time
- Special
- [Vampiric Embrace] (converts a part of any of your Shadow spell damage into healing to the party)
Mana Drains
Mana Drains are abilities which remove mana from the enemy's mana pool, and normally have a secondary effect. Players have historically found mana drains to be unfun and they were all removed from the game, but still remain in World of Warcraft: Classic. They could not be used against targets that do not use mana.
List of Mana Drain Spells (All Removed)
- Mana transfers (removed mana given to player)
- Mana burns (removed mana converted to damage)
- Pure mana drains (mana is lost)