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Dragon Turtle (Azsuna)

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MobDragon Turtle
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Race Dragon turtle (Beast)
Level 10-45
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Hatecoil Warcamp, Azsuna
Status Killable
Pet family Turtle

Dragon Turtles are dragon turtles located in Hatecoil Warcamp in Azsuna. Some of them accompany the Hatecoil naga while others were killed by their enslaved Salteye murlocs.


  • Ability druid primaltenacity.png Powerful Bite — Inflicts 100% of normal damage, and reduces the armor of an enemy by 20% for 5 sec.
  • Spell nature thorns.png Thorny Shell — Thorns protrude from the caster's shell, reducing damage taken by 20%. Additionally inflicts Nature damage to enemies when struck by spells or abilities.

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