Dog (Dread Wastes)

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For other characters named Dog, see Dog (disambiguation).
Image of Dog
Title <Crew of the Mist-Hopper>
Gender Male
Race Lion seal (Beast)
Level 30-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) The Anglers
Location Soggy's Gamble, Dread Wastes[54.6, 71.4]
Status Alive
Companion(s) Captain "Soggy" Su-Dao (best friend)

Dog is a lion seal located at Soggy's Gamble in the Dread Wastes. Deck Boss Arie calls him the "pet" of Captain "Soggy" Su-Dao, but Soggy insists that Dog is not his pet but a crewmember and his best friend.[1] Dog appeared out of nowhere to save Soggy from drowning when he was young; Soggy believes the seal was sent by the goddess Mazu.[2] Dog has since saved the captain's life on at least one other occasion. Soggy has tried to release him into the sea, but he refuses to leave.[1]

Dog can normally be found swimming in a small enclosure on the west side of Soggy's Gamble. Soggy asks adventurers to take the seal on some exercise around his favorite spots on the Shelf of Mazu; the seal can be summoned and dismissed using  [Dog's Whistle].[1]



Main article: Walking Dog#Notes
<Dog looks at you quizzically.>

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