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Divo Songscale

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NeutralDivo Songscale
No image available
Gender Male
Race Blue dragonspawn (Humanoid)
Level 65-68
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Blue dragonspawn
Location Camp Antonidas, Azure Span
Status Alive

Divo Songscale is a ghostly blue dragonspawn that appears atop the ruined tower after interacting with Ancient Remains in Camp Antonidas in the Azure Span.


Main article: For The Love of Others#Notes
I can but hardly see you friend, so tired are these eyes. I have stood watch here for a long time. The coffin that bore my body is now dust, yet these lonely bones remain.
Thus all things are altered. Nothing dies. Here and there an unbodied spirit flies...
Gossip Why can't you rest?
My spirit is bound to these walls and their cold vigil. They bear witness to the greatest of loves. Malygos and Sindragosa. The Lord of Magic and his Azure Queen.
It was for their love that I built these works, and it is from that love that a desperate tether binds my spirit. Time and circumstance are cruel stewards, to lovers and art alike.
A part of me cannot accept that.
Gossip Sindragosa died in Northrend. I'm sorry.
<Divo pauses for a moment.>
What is there to be sorry of, but that she had been loved?

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