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Diving Chakram Spinner

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MobDiving Chakram Spinner
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Race Arakkoa (Humanoid)
Level 97 - 100 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Adherents of Rukhmar
Location Skyreach
Status Killable

Diving Chakram Spinners are arakkoa located in Skyreach.


  • Electrified Chakram - The caster hurls their chakram at the location of a nearby enemy. Any enemies within the vicinity of the impact suffer serious Physical damage.
After the initial impact, the chakram creates a zone of Electrified Clouds.
Standing in the Electrified Cloud causes the victim to suffer Nature damage.
  • Electrified Cloud - Standing in the Electrified Cloud causes the victim to suffer Nature damage.
  • Spinning Blade - Inflicts Physical damage to the victim every second.
  • Throw Chakram - Throws a chakram at the target.


  • Filthy lowborn!
  • Pitiful ground dweller!
  • Purge these interlopers from our midst!
  • Thieves!
  • This is not your battle, stranger.
  • You are a blight on this world.
  • You will burn with the outcasts!

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