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For the in-game mechanic, see roll.
Pirates rolling the bones.
Blackhowl footsoldiers playing dice.
Guards playing dices in Blood Runs Thicker.

Dice are commonly used as part of recreational games or to settle disputes. Dwarves especially were fond of them,[1] and there are few dwarves of any kind who don't carry their own personal set of dice with them. "Rolling the bones" is a common way to resolve arguments amongst them.[2] For example, during the summit to vote Gilneas into the Alliance, the emissaries from the three dwarf clans (on Kurdran Wildhammer's suggestion) used a dice roll to decide which of the three parties would get to enter Darnassus first.[3] Orcs of Dragonmaw clan also kept themselves entertained by gambling with dices during their time in Grim Batol,[4] and so did the guards of the Dark Portal,[5] the pirates of Freehold and the guards of Southshore.[6]

Blackhowl Footsoldiers can be found playing with dice in Gilneas City during the Fangs of the Father questline. Lazy Drudges in Koramar in Nazmir can be found passing the times "Throwing the Bones".


