Destroy the Siege Weapons!

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NeutralDestroy the Siege Weapons!

Small Southern Siege Weapon
Start Ling of the Six Pools [49.0, 71.3]
End Ling of the Six Pools [49.0, 71.3]
Level 25-35
Type Daily
Category Townlong Steppes
Experience 236000
Reputation +250 Shado-Pan
Rewards 19g 84s 50c 2 Lesser Charm of Good Fortune
Repeatable Yes
Next N [25-35 Daily] Target of Opportunity: Sra'thik Swarmlord


Large Southern Siege Weapon.
Small Northern Siege Weapon.
Large Northern Siege Weapon.

Destroy the four mantid siege weapons at Sra'vess in Townlong Steppes.

  • Large Southern Siege Weapon destroyed
  • Small Southern Siege Weapon destroyed
  • Large Northern Siege Weapon destroyed
  • Small Northern Siege Weapon destroyed


The mantid don't just attack in swarms.

They're smart. They use alchemy, bombs... and what's worst, they've got siege weapons. Those have the potential to be incredibly destructive if they attack with them.

We've got reports that they're building up a force of siege weapons to the west at Sra'vess. Go and destroy them.


You will receive:


You need to take out those siege weapons, <name>!


Those siege weapons won't be a problem. They may rebuild, but we've bought ourselves some time.


On accept:

Ling of the Six Pools says: Here, take these supplies. You'll need them for your missions.

Pick up N [25-35 Daily] Sra'vess Wetwork, N [25-35 Daily] The Bigger They Come..., and N [25-35 Daily] A Morale Victory before heading out. Also, pick up the Bag of Wu Kao Supplies by her feet. Don't forget to speak to a friendly NPC for a battle companion before leaving the garrison.

Get to Sra'vess. On the island, adventurers are provided with an Assassin's Shroud, which puts the adventurer in stealth. The supply bag had 10x [Shiny Shado-Pan Coin] and 6x [Wu Kao Dart of Lethargy] inside, which can be used while under the quest stealth.

The two northern siege weapons are at the Sra'thik Swarmdock on the northeast side of the island. As is the Sra'thik Swarm-Leader. And the Eastern Idol.

On the southeast side of the island is the Kzzok Warcamp, which has both of the southern siege weapons. The southern idol is just west of the camp, where the mantid are cutting down trees.

The central idol is due north of the southern idol, across the lake near the kypari tree itself on its southern side. Finally, the western idol is just south of the Ikz'ka Ridge, which is the northwest corner of the island.

The elites patrol the roads with two non-elites. Pull them to a cleared area to fight them. Don't forget about using the dart to sap one of the three! The Sra'thik Swarmlord does NOT count for the elite-killing quest, so keep that in mind.


Shado-Pan dailies with five quests per hub but only one hub available each day.

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