Desert Rose
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Desert Rose is part of the [Noble Gardener] meta-achievement for the Noblegarden world event.
Requires the [Spring Florist's Pouch]. Note that four of the five zones for this achievement are in southern Kalimdor, along with
[Hard Boiled], so plan ahead to avoid making multiple trips.
A reasonable route to take for the southern Kalimdor route would be:
- Fly to Gadgetzan or take the port to the Caverns of Time. Use the robes.
- Run north to the Shimmering Flats of Thousand Needles. Use the robes.
- Run back to Gadgetzan.
- Fly to Marshal's Refuge in Un'Goro Crater.
- Run northwest and up the ramp to old Silithus. Players level 110 and above will need to speak to Zidormi to access it. Use the robes.
- Run to Cenarion Hold. Fly to Desolace. Use the robes.
Patch changes
Patch 9.1.5 (2021-11-02): Now requires using the
[Spring Florist's Pouch] instead of the
[Spring Robes].
Patch 3.1.0 (2009-04-14): Added.