Desert Research (Horde)

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HordeDesert Research
Start Grol Warblade
End Pixni Rustbomb
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Silithus: The Wound
Experience 1,650
Rewards 1g 94s
Previous H [45] Lazy Prospectors!
Next H [45] The Source of Power, H [45] Larvae By The Dozen
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [45] Desert Research.


Speak with Pixni Rustbomb.


The dark blade of Sargeras has cast a shadow of destruction over this land.

It seemed that the silithid hives were destroyed in the attack, but I have received reports that the silithid are returning.

If it were up to me, I'd burn those wretched hives once and for all! However, it is not up to me.

The Dark Lady wants the surviving silithid dissected and studied.

Pixni Rustbomb is conducting the research and is need of a "collector."


You will receive:

  • 1g 94s
  • 1,650 XP


You're here to collect the samples? It's about time they sent someone to help me out!


Pre-8.0 breadcrumbs (no longer available):

  1. A [110] Summons to Stormwind / H [110] Summons to Orgrimmar
  2. A [110] Gifts of the Fallen / H [110] A Recent Discovery
  3. B [110] Witness to the Wound

Active quests:

  1. A [45] Free Samples / H [45] Lazy Prospectors!
  2. B [45] The Twilight Survivor
    1. B [45] Desert Research
    2. B [45] The Source of Power & B [45] Larvae By The Dozen
  3. A [45] A Recent Arrival / H [45] Khadgar's Request
  4. B [45] The Speaker's Perspective
  5. B [45] The Blood of Azeroth

Pre-8.0 finale for players with Legion Artifact weapons (no longer available):

  1. B [110] The Speaker's Call
  2. N [110] The Power in Our Hands

Patch changes

External links