Larvae By The Dozen (Horde)

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HordeLarvae By The Dozen
Start Pixni Rustbomb
End Pixni Rustbomb
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Silithus: The Wound
Experience 16,450
Rewards 19g 40s
Previous H [45] Lazy Prospectors!
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [45] Larvae By The Dozen.


Collect 12 Silithid Broodlings.


How did the silithid survive the blade of Sargeras?!

I've never encountered a species that can adapt to changes in the environment as quickly as the silithid!

There's gotta be a way to tame these suckers! Harness their evolutionary biology for our profit!

We gotta start training 'em young! Forget about the old crusty adults, we need babies!

Steal me as many of the silithid larvae as you can carry, and I'll find a way to train 'em!


You will receive:

  • 19g 40s
  • 16,450 XP


Do you have the silithid larvae?


You've got the larvae! These are gonna make us a boatload o' money! I can already hear the gold jinglin' in my pockets!


Head to the remnants of Hive'Ashi, Hive'Zora, and Hive'Regal on the edges of Silithus: The Wound. Kill the big silithid and loot the Silithid Broodlings.

There are three rare-elite silithid in this phase, one in each hive: Qroshekx at Hive'Ashi, Xaarshej at Hive'Zora, and Ssinkrix at Hive'Regal. Consider taking them on as a group.


Pre-8.0 breadcrumbs (no longer available):

  1. A [110] Summons to Stormwind / H [110] Summons to Orgrimmar
  2. A [110] Gifts of the Fallen / H [110] A Recent Discovery
  3. B [110] Witness to the Wound

Active quests:

  1. A [45] Free Samples / H [45] Lazy Prospectors!
  2. B [45] The Twilight Survivor
    1. B [45] Desert Research
    2. B [45] The Source of Power & B [45] Larvae By The Dozen
  3. A [45] A Recent Arrival / H [45] Khadgar's Request
  4. B [45] The Speaker's Perspective
  5. B [45] The Blood of Azeroth

Pre-8.0 finale for players with Legion Artifact weapons (no longer available):

  1. B [110] The Speaker's Call
  2. N [110] The Power in Our Hands

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